If you are trying to save every penny, you are not alone. Thousands – if not millions – of mums across the country are doing the same thing, figuring out ways to save 10p here and 20p there while still meeting the needs of everyone in the family.
There are a lot of ways to save money and they are more accessible now that we have the internet on our side. In this article, however, we are going to focus more on the little things we can do to save more on car insurance. Let’s jump right in!
Never stick to the car insurance provider you currently have when it’s due for renewal unless you are certain that it is the best deal on the market. As tempting as it may be to renew your existing policy for convenience, there are more deals on the market that you can consider.
Even better, you can now use Quotezone.co.uk to find and compare car insurance deals from multiple companies in just one click. Finding a third-party car insurance deal through Quotezone.co.uk will lead to more savings, especially when compared to your existing policy.
There is a very good reason for that too: the insurance market is more competitive than ever. Insurance providers are fighting for your business and they are not afraid to go the extra mile and give you a better deal if that means they can turn you into a customer.
Pay Annually
This is a tip that often gets neglected. Sure, paying a monthly insurance premium makes car insurance payments more manageable, but you are missing out on the opportunity to save up to 30% off of your insurance premium by paying annually.
As mentioned before, the insurance industry is more competitive than ever. You can earn an additional discount of up to 10% by mentioning that you are comparing the annual deals of multiple insurance companies and you have yet to decide which policy to buy.
One thing to note, however, is the benefits that come with car insurance. When comparing deals, be sure to take extra benefits (the ones you can actually use) and coverage into account. Cheapest isn’t always best, even when the goal is to save every penny.
Go with Multiple Policies
One last tip that you also don’t want to miss: you get more discounts for buying more. If your sisters and brothers happen to live in the same house and they need to insure their cars, buy insurance policies as a group.
The same is true for when you need to insure multiple cars. On top of that, you can get additional discounts by getting multiple insurance policies from the same company (i.e. health insurance, life insurance, home insurance, and car insurance from a single insurance provider).
Oh, and don’t forget to go local. When comparing car insurance deals using Quotezone.co.uk, you will find that insurance providers that operate in your area are more likely to give you a better quote than insurance companies that operate nationally.
Do you want to save more on car insurance? There are other things you can do to shave more pennies off the insurance premium, but we will save them for another post. In the meantime, use the tips and tricks discussed in this article to start lowering your insurance premium today.
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